Saturday, December 15, 2007

Hollywood Misfires Badly

Hollywood is desperate to tap into the hipster indie film sensibility. Little Miss Sunshine (a pointless film saved by good performances by a couple of the cast) gave the execs a hint that clever quirky films can make money. Now if there was just a way to tap into the aging Harry Potter youth audience and make an "indie" film.... enter Juno, a film that is inexplicably getting rave reviews. Its the story of an impossibly precocious teen who happens to get pregnant, and like, finds these, like people, to like, adopt her baby. The great travesty of this film is the teen dialogue, clearly written by an adult trying excruciatingly hard to talk "their" language. Remember your parents saying "groovy" back in the 60s? This twaddle is worse. After about an hour of Juno (played by Ellen Page) wisecracking about her pregnancy, the film takes a serious turn. Only then do you begin to see the cartoon characters come to life. Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner are wasted. Michael Cera is underused. Clearly some of these actors have talent, its a shame the script wasn't more respectful of their abilities. My theater was full and the laughs were few and far between.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on everything but the result. I thought the movie was great. Sure, the other cast members could have been better used, but it was a great story, and I laughed about parts of it for days. My wife cried. I thought it was a terrific movie.